Pieces of meat with liver for dogs of all breeds, served in a delicate sauce as an invitation to a delicious meal. As much as 70% of meat and animal products in a piece! Free from preservatives and artificial colors, but rich in valuable minerals.
Iodine: supports the work of the thyroid gland, brain and kidneys
Iron: prevents anemia, supports metabolism
Zinc: supports the health of the skin and coat
Manganese: regulates the functioning of the digestive, nervous and muscular systems, as well as bone development and blood pressure
The liver contains many B vitamins – vitamins B12, B3, B2 and vitamin B9, i.e. folic acid. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. Vitamin B3, the so-called niacin, is responsible for the functions of the brain. B2, on the other hand, is involved in the processes of metabolism and immune regulation, and is also responsible for good eyesight. It also contains vitamins A, D and K. The liver is an extremely rich source of iron. It contains more iron than any other type of meat.